Conversion Between Units of Length

Concept Explanation

Conversion Between Units Of Length

For Smaller objects the units of are Centimeters (cm) and for longer objects the unit of length are meters (m).

Centimeters and meters are standard units of length.

The length measured in cm and be converted into meter and the vice versa using the relation below

1 m = 100 cm

For example:

Write 300 cm in meters.

We know that 100 cm = 1 m

So 300 cm = 3 m.


Write 5 m in centimeters.

We know that  1 m = 100 cm

So 5 m = 500.

Illustration: 9 m = _____________ cm.

A. 90

B. 300

C. 9000

D. 900

Answer: D

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